treatment for my miscarriages


My appointment day arrived! Waiting a week felt like eternity. I was thrilled to have an early morning appointment, but while sitting in the waiting room I was anxious to see the doctor. Sometimes the wait is only five minutes when other times we have waited for 45 minutes. Luckily this wait was short…the nurse called my name, weighed me, walked me to the room and took my blood pressure. She asked about my concerns and documented what I wanted to discuss with the doctor which was:
-my two consecutive miscarriages
-calculation of a short luteal phase
-weight relating to miscarriages
-eye drops for pregnancy
When my doctor came in, she already knew the purpose of the appointment from our conversations through email but she still listened to my concerns. Her feedback regarding my miscarriages ended up being from my calculation of a short luteal phase for the past six cycles. She said that since I have a short luteal phase, which is also known as luteal phase defect, the implantation is not holding because not enough progesterone is being produced. Luteal phase defect is the time between ovulation and the start of my period being shorter than 14 days resulting in low progesterone levels. During the luteal phase, my uterus should be thickening to prepare for possible pregnancy. We discussed this defect and then she prescribed me progesterone suppositories. She also prescribed Clomid to help stimulate ovulation in hopes of improving the chances of a successful pregnancy. She said that we are not infertile since we have been getting pregnant, but my hormones are not balanced to hold a baby. She explained the side effects of both prescriptions and I was on board for both. My weight was not a concern for getting pregnant as I am having regular cycles. Due to living near farm land, my allergies are a nightmare. I will be backing off the eye drops when we do get pregnant. She sent me to get lab work done for diabetes, autoimmune disease and blood clotting. I came out clear for all of those tests. This month I will start progesterone suppositories. If I am not pregnant by next cycle, I will then start Clomid and continue with progesterone after ovulation occurs. I cannot start Clomid now because it has to be taken right after the start of my period. My cycle is currently a big question mark because of my miscarriage in September. Hopefully we will get on track soon to start the progesterone suppositories. We are praying that the suppositories do the trick!


Shooting my luteal phase defect GOODBYE! Thank you progesterone!

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